Life gets hard as we grow old
At least that was what we've been told
We see things not so beautiful anymore
Because we welcomed reality when it knocked on our door
"Complicated problems need complicated solutions"
Darling, you're giving yourself self-proclaimed delusions
When all we know now is to be more responsible and to give less of our care
Even if it means giving up our toy cars and our favorite teddy bear
Well, guess what? You don't have to give up everything just because you are now matured,
You are capable of solving frustrations in equations and oh-- History, Science, Culture!
Dilemmas are tricky nowadays, but they won't last
And not every answer can be found in the present-- some are in the past
So have a walk with me, down the memory lane
Show me your arts and crafts, and your collection of trains
Let's lighten the load of your weary mind
With the simple tactics you left behind
Dive in, head first, to your made-up towns and cities
Are you up to this adventure? Oui? Yes? Shall we?
I know you're just hiding your inner child in a box
Caging it with chains and huge, chunky locks
But you have to take it out, let it run through your veins
Let it take over you, let it temporarily take away the pain
Now, open your old treasure chest
Have a sneak peek of your childhood's best of the best
Come on, build a fort out of soft pillows and colorful blankets
Fold paper planes that will zoom off out of this planet!
That's it, channel your innocent you
Stuff your heart with pure, blissful sceneries-- delete the stress, and press "Renew"
Paper planes, make-believe kingdoms, and that time your tried to eat sticky glue
Discover your inner child again, my dear You
Written by Audrey Turla
Art by Toni Bulcatin

Art Director twitter: @Audreeey_Turla
Audrey Turla instagram: @heyaudreeey
Touchstone's lady
James Dean's Star
Someone's Poet
. . . Amazing Audrey will do
James Dean's Star
Someone's Poet
. . . Amazing Audrey will do
Artist twitter: @threechrsfrtoni
Toni Buclatin instagram: @nyantoinetteee
The sushi-loving heroine living in a 2D world where parallel universes exist
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