Editor-in-Chief twitter: @jeloughee12
Jelou Galang instagram: @jeloughee
Sometimes in outer space(But maybe just spaced out)
Full-time rockstar alien on Earth

Managing Editor
Louise Bayobo instagram: @thedaydreamer1878
A distressing damsel who wrote her own eulogy

Art Director twitter: @Audreeey_Turla
Audrey Turla instagram: @heyaudreeey
Touchstone's ladyJames Dean's Star
Someone's Poet
. . . Amazing Audrey will do
Art Director twitter: @Geeyaps
Japs Sedutan instagram: @geeyaps
Soon-to-be Digital Artist
Is in love with books
A wanderer of thoughts

Web Manager twitter: @mjctctn
Michael John "MJ" Catacutan instagram: N/A
I don't go with the flow, I make my ownSleep is my partner but stress is my mistress
Jack of all trades, master of none
^ Apparently, likes using compound sentences

Web Editor twitter: @_emsalazar
Mia Salazar instagram: @_ialyz
"Why, yes.
My mind is a
terrible place"
A tiny winy schlemiel in a simulacrum
Daytime messed up nightmare writer
Married to a journal named Shhh,
Having a not-so-secret affair with the piano
Writer twitter: @dianneesaur
Dianne Almarza instagram: N/A
Diagnosed with a severe case of separation anxiety from the series and movies she busies herself with
Treats bad days with her beloved creatures a.k.a. dogs

Writer twitter: @AnykAiram
Ma. Kyna Marquez instagram: @anykairam
Part-time "kumakyna" machine
Never a Maria
Always remarqable

Writer twitter: @Billie_Jene
Jolene Gabionza instagram: N/A
Chocolate is my addictionProcrastination is my passion
I live in history and myths but never in the moment
Many things but never an early bird
Photographertwitter: @AllizaAndal
Alliza Andal instagram: @allizaaandal
A shutterbug who's deeply in love with black and white
Artist // Writertwitter: @christinedianen
Tin Nepomuceno instagram: @christinedianen
Five-foot-something with the skinny jeans
A volleybelle who’s a hero of her own world
Frustrated writer and singer

Writertwitter: @truejanwar
Trojan Troy Pabico instagram: @trojanpabico
Universe-dependent cheese-gorging demigod
Fancies wading in bottomless iced teas
A self-proclaimed eccentric rhapsody, it figures, right
Artist twitter: @threechrsfrtoni
Toni Buclatin instagram: @nyantoinetteee
The sushi-loving heroine living in a 2D world where parallel universes exist

Amabelle Manicio
Partly God’s attendantConcurrently Satan’s spawn
Obviously a woman of contradiction
Ultimately, a one of a kind collectible
Eir Diaz

Writer twitter: @quatrinaaa
Katrina Perolino instagram: @quatrinaa
Francophilic and bibliophilic cat who loves dogs and furry, fluffy, nipping creatures Oft lost in a world of etched letters and bleeding ink
Doused in wanderlust, brevity, and a pungent sense of adventure
Lachrymose, crossing delineations and blurring lines
Writer twitter: @TheErristocrat
Erris Tan instagram: @theeristocrat
Aristocratic Amnesiac with no money here
Princess of the Stars elsewhere

Writer twitter: @gelaaato
Gela Tangente instagram: @gelatangente
Moonbeam drifter
Private 21st century bard
Everyday food magnet

Writer twitter: @chipsdelight22
Rizia Paragas instagram: @chipsdelight22
Purple-hearted Swiftie
Ocean's bae since 2000