Premise 1: Umasa Na, Umaasa Pa and Aasa Pa Rin have insufficient mathematical and scientific skills.
Premise 2: People with insufficient mathematical and scientific skills are stupid.
Premise 3: Stupid people incessantly hope for Paasa.
Premise 4: You suffer a depreciation of mathematical and scientific skills.
Conclusion: You are Umasa Na, Umaasa Pa and Aasa Pa Rin, and still hoping for Paasa.
Question: How can you not be Umaasa Na, Umaasa Pa and Aasa Pa Rin?
Solution: Do not suffer a depreciation of mathematical and scientific skills so as to not be stupid.
So if you wanna be loved and be a lover, learn to channel your inner Archimedes and Aristotle.
Laugh not, for I kid you not.
Mathematics is an indispensable tool in science. Without the help of numbers, scientists might have been incapable of concluding the 10 m/s2 acceleration of freely falling bodies due to the earth’s gravity. Without the assistance of mathematics, Einstein might have been incapable of concluding that gravity, a powerful universal entity, is a result of a curvature in space-time.
If Mathematics had successfully proven the existence of gravity as an explanation on why light bends and objects on earth fall, then isn’t it also plausible to expect from it an explanation on why humans “fall” in an intangible and abstract universal entity called Love?
As one of the people who believed in the encompassing power of mathematics, Dr. Hannah Fry, a lecturer of the University College London, made a bold leap last February 2015 in publishing a book that proposes a mathematical explanation for love: “The Mathematics of Love: Patterns, Proofs, and the Search for the Ultimate Equation” This work suggests the utilization of mathematical theories and formulas to explicate love.
How to find The One
Figure 1: Optimal Stopping Formulas discussed by Dr. Fry in her book.
Retrieved from: http://www.brainpickings.org/
According to Dr. Fry’s book, The “Optimal
Stopping Theory” is a precise technique for finding your perfect partner. It tells you the number of potential mates you would have to reject before finding your him/her. The theory is capable of helping you discern the right time to stop going to dates and to take it seriously with a certain person (P). For example, if you were to date 10 people in your whole lifetime, you have the largest chance of finding The One after you reject your first 4 lovers (where you have a 39.87% possibility of finding The One). If you were to date 20 people, you should reject the first eight (38.42%). However, if you are destined to date an infinite number of partners (infinite? = like woah) you should reject the first 37%, an over one in three probability of success.
The Optimal Stopping Theory is no new theory at all. In fact, this theory is dominantly utilized not only in mathematics and science but also in actual life episodes.
According to the Thomas Ferguson’s “Optimal Stopping and Applications”:
“The Theory of optimal stopping is concerned with the problem of choosing a time to take a given action based on sequentially observed random variables in order to maximize an expected payoff or to minimize an expected cost."
In simpler means, this theory helps you approximate the time you must exhaust to gain the most favorable or least favorable result. One can use this theory to know when to stop interviewing applicants, when to stop finding dresses and even when to stop looking for properties and to just decide on the latest option presented.
How will my partner and I have a happily ever after?
Figure 2: Formula of the Gottman Theory (Also applicable in unmarried relationships).
Retrieved from: www.youtube.com
According to Dr. John Gottman, Catherine Swanson and mathematician James Murray, the influence that partners have on each other is a great determinant of their partner’s corresponding reaction. They added that these “influence functions” actually have a negativity threshold, a function that is mutually influenced by the couple’s perception of the relationship and the partner’s subsequent action.
Therefore by plugging values in the formula, one may predict if a relationship is on a smooth path or a rocky road to separation or even divorce.
This theory, with an impressive 90% accuracy, can approximate if a relationship will end up in an epic I-am-lucky-to-have-you and you're-the-biggest-blessing-I-ever-had to a response of Shakespearean tragedy with more sophistication. This refashioned Shakespearean tragedy, which I am referring to, is specifically an I-should-have-dated-my-neighbor's-cockroach-than-you and you're-biggest-sheet-I-ever-had response.
Scientifically and Mathematically Proven Love Tips (by yours truly)
Behold the reasons why you must thank the existence of Ernest Rutherford, J.J Thompson and James Chadwick.
*note: If you do not recognize any of these magnificent beings, take time to reflect on the poor amount of attention you allotted in your physics subject.
1. Be a proton.
Gottman’s formula enforced by his theory and past studies is proven capable of predicting with 90% that a couple is likely to separate because of negativity generated in conversations. Therefore always being positive like a proton would make your relationship last longer.
2. Be an electron.
The sigmoidal graph presented in Figure 3 proves that love activity is absolutely not constant, and is not only influenced by a single person. Love, as proven by Gottman, is an activity of “dynamic interaction” between partners. Therefore, being adaptable like an electron, which always strives to adapt on its changes in energy levels, you will be able to lengthen your relationship.
3. Be a neutron.
Figure 3: Murray’s graph of the influence function of the husband on the wife.
Retrieved from: http://www.johngottman.net/
According to Gottman’s results, couples with a very low negativity threshold, the point at which negativity begins to impact the partner’s following behavior, actually are those who have lasted for many years and have maintained a healthy relationship. In relation to Gottman’s findings, Dr. Fry explained in her book that healthy relationships consist of many misunderstandings and involve people with very low negativity thresholds. This kind of relationship works because each person in the relationship allows each other to complain and repair issues between them. Therefore, being firm like a neutron, which refuses influence from other particles, and learning not to accept your partner’s actions easily will make your relationship stronger.
So… who’s laughing now?
Sources (This is legit, babe.):
· “Optimal Stopping and Applications” by Thomas Ferguson (book)- online pdf copy from http://www.math.ucla.edu/
· “The Mathematics of Love: Patterns, Proofs, and the Search for the Ultimate Equation” (book) by Dr. Hannah Fry- preview from Google Books
· “The Empirical Basis for Gottman Couples Therapy by Dr. John Gottman (online pdf) -online pdf copy from https://www.gottman.com/
· “The Mathematics of Marital Conflict: Dynamic Mathematical Nonlinear Modeling of Newlywed Marital Interaction” (journal) by Dr. John Gottman, Catherine Swanson and James Murray- online pdf from http://www.johngottman.net
· “The mathematics of love | Hannah Fry | TEDxBinghamtonUniversity” by TED (video)- viewed from http://www.youtube.com
Written by Kyna Marquez
Art by Audrey Turla and Matthew Turla
Additional credits to this photo source.

Writertwitter: @anykairam
MA. KYNA MARQUEZ instagram: @anykairam
Part-time "kumakyna" machine
Never a Maria
Always remarqable
Never a Maria
Always remarqable

Art Directortwitter: @Audreeey_Turla
AUDREY TURLA instagram: @heyaudreeey
Touchstone's lady
James Dean's Star
Someone's Poet
. . . Amazing Audrey will do
James Dean's Star
Someone's Poet
. . . Amazing Audrey will do

The guy wearing beanie and trying not to label himself as the hipster guy, but actually is. . . At some point.
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