Written by Mia Salazar
Compilation and editing by Audrey Turla
Photographs used are from Audrey and Jelou Galang

Web Editor twitter: @_emsalazar
Mia Salazar instagram: @_schel
A tiny winy schlemiel in a simulacrum
Daytime messed up nightmare writer
Married to a journal named Shhh,
Having a not-so-secret affair with the piano
Daytime messed up nightmare writer
Married to a journal named Shhh,
Having a not-so-secret affair with the piano

Art Director twitter: @Audreeey_Turla
Audrey Turla instagram: @heyaudreeey
Touchstone's lady
James Dean's Star
Someone's Poet
. . . Amazing Audrey will do
James Dean's Star
Someone's Poet
. . . Amazing Audrey will do

Editor-in-Chief twitter: @jeloughee12
Jelou Galang instagram: @jeloughee
Sometimes in outer space
(But maybe just spaced out)
Full-time rockstar alien on Earth
(But maybe just spaced out)
Full-time rockstar alien on Earth
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